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Learn DBMS Complete Guide (OFFLINE)





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Learn DBMS Complete Guide (OFFLINE)(圖1)-速報App

DBMS (DataBase Management System)

A database management system (DBMS) is a computer software application that interacts with the user, other applications, and the database itself to capture and analyze data. A general-purpose DBMS is designed to allow the definition, creation, querying, update, and administration of databases.

These days databases are everywhere so every software developer needs to know the basics of DBMS

Chapters Included are..

DBMS Overview

DBMS - Architecture

DBMS - Data Models

DBMS - Data Schemas

DBMS - Data Independence

Entity Relationship Model

DBMS - ER Model Basic Concepts

DBMS - ER Diagram Representation

Learn DBMS Complete Guide (OFFLINE)(圖2)-速報App

DBMS - Generalization, Aggregation

Relational Model

DBMS - Codd's Rules

DBMS - Relational Data Model

DBMS - Relational Algebra

DBMS - ER to Relational Model

DBMS- SQL Overview

Relational Database Design

DBMS - Database Normalization

DBMS - Database Joins

Storage and File Structure

DBMS - Storage System

Learn DBMS Complete Guide (OFFLINE)(圖3)-速報App

DBMS - File Structure

Indexing and Hashing

DBMS - Indexing

DBMS - Hashing

Transaction And Concurrency

DBMS - Transaction

DBMS - Concurrency Control

DBMS - Deadlock

Backup and Recovery

DBMS - Data Backup

DBMS - Data Recovery

This app helps you learn the DBMS in detail

Learn DBMS Complete Guide (OFFLINE)(圖4)-速報App

So Download and Get Learning

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